13 Hair Salon Marketing Ideas To Get You More Customers | BizBeavers


Regardless of the excellence of your salon services, without creative marketing strategies, your brand can lag behind competitors. Historically, salon businesses thrived through robust client relationships and word-of-mouth marketing. However, these traditional methods are insufficient in the digital age.

Savvy salon owners are expanding their marketing strategies to encompass diverse digital techniques, including email marketing and social media marketing, to effectively connect with their target audience.

How to Advertise Hair Salon Business

In this article, we will explore a range of innovative salon marketing ideas aimed at expanding your client base.

1. Get your hair salon listed on online directories

Did you know that over 70 percent of people seeking a service or product first turn to the internet for information before visiting a physical store? This underscores the importance of your salon appearing in their online search results. Relying on a phonebook alone won’t suffice, but there are more contemporary options to consider.

Google My Business: Given that 83 percent of searches are conducted through Google, having your salon listed on Google My Business is a crucial step for effective salon marketing.

Yelp: Millennials are likely to consult Yelp reviews before deciding on a salon. Being listed on Yelp can make it easier for them to discover your salon, and even a slightly higher rating than a neighbouring salon can attract more customers. Therefore, maintaining a robust Yelp profile is of great significance.

Facebook: Facebook is another essential directory where your business should be listed. This enables local Facebook users to locate your salon and engage with your services.


2. Manage online salon reviews

In today’s digital age, consumers frequently turn to online reviews before trying a new product or service, and salons are no exception, given the personal interaction involved. Notably, research from Invesp reveals that customers are willing to spend 31 percent more at businesses with outstanding reviews.

Devote some time to request feedback from your most satisfied clients and encourage them to share their experiences on popular platforms like Yelp, Google Reviews, and Facebook, among others.

While salon marketing may involve some trial and error, nothing has proven more valuable than word-of-mouth referrals and online reviews. These personal recommendations and positive online feedback can significantly impact your salon’s reputation and attract new clientele.

3. Offer referral discounts

Satisfied customers are often eager to share their positive salon experiences. Provide them with a referral code, and they can easily share the love with their friends, family, and colleagues. In return, they receive a small discount on their next service, while your salon benefits from a significant influx of new customers.

4. Loyalty programs or punch cards

Express your appreciation to loyal customers by offering punch cards or loyalty cards. These cards can entitle customers to complimentary services or valuable add-ons after a set number of visits.

Tailor the products and services in your loyalty program to align with what your customers value most. Loyalty programs not only foster strong client relationships but also enhance your communication with them.

Additionally, this presents an opportunity to boost retail product sales by encouraging clients to make additional purchases in order to earn extra points or rewards.


5. Salon promotions

Promotions are a universally cherished way to attract new clients to your salon and maintain their loyalty. Consider implementing various promotional strategies such as:

First-Time Visit Special: Extend a special pricing offer to all new clients during their initial visit to your salon.

Last-Minute Specials: When you have un-booked time slots during the day and a client requests a last-minute appointment, offer them a small discount as a gesture of goodwill.

Monthly Specials: Feature a discounted service each month. This not only appeals to clients seeking that specific service but also arouses the curiosity of those who may not have previously considered it, potentially broadening your client base.

6. Social Media Promotions

Salon marketing ideas are incomplete without acknowledging the power of social media. With nearly half of the global population active on social media platforms, they represent a natural space to connect with new customers and engage with existing ones. According to Pew Research Center, a majority of social media users check their accounts at least once daily, with many visiting multiple times throughout the day.

Hootsuite reports that 60 percent of Instagram users discover new products on the platform, while Sherpa Marketing reveals that more people follow brands on social media than celebrities. Instagram alone boasts 80 percent of users who follow at least one business.

Enhance your social media efforts by regularly sharing your salon’s work on platforms like Instagram, Facebook, Snapchat, and Pinterest. Allocate time to interact with your followers and provide expert advice through quick tips, in-depth tutorials, product and tool usage videos, giveaways, and more across your various social media channels. Maintaining this level of engagement is crucial for continued success.

7. Run a contest in your salon

Hosting a contest in your salon, along with promoting it on social media, serves as an excellent strategy to attract new clients. Consider offering a grand prize, such as an indulgent spa day, to the individual who brings in the highest number of referrals, especially if they successfully refer more than just a few new clients.

However, you have the flexibility to choose a smaller reward, like a gift certificate for their next visit, as an alternative prize option. This approach not only encourages your clients to participate actively but also strengthens your salon’s connection with your existing clientele.

8. Capitalize on holidays & special events

Holiday specials are incredibly appealing to potential clients and can make your salon stand out. Consider offering a little extra on occasions like Mother’s Day, providing Black Friday discounts, or introducing special promotions to ring in the New Year.

Furthermore, don’t overlook opportunities related to weddings and proms. While not traditional holidays, they are special occasions that allow you to make your clients feel exceptional on their significant days.

For example, you can promote enticing deals like “Buy a Wash, Cut, and Style, and Get a Free Manicure.” This type of offer is likely to attract teenagers preparing for prom, increasing your salon’s appeal during such events.

9. Start a Class or Workshop

Boosting your brand’s reach and enhancing your salon business’s reputation can be achieved by providing workshops or classes to both current and potential customers.

Many salon businesses host such workshops at their own establishments, but you can also establish partnerships with local community centres or colleges to organize these informative sessions.

Collaborating with these institutions not only widens the workshop’s reach but also offers the chance to gain several loyal customers who are impressed by your salon’s services. Here are some workshop or class ideas that your hairstylists can consider:

  • Grooming and Shaving Classes for Young Teenage Boys
  • Hair Braiding Classes for Teenagers and Young Adults
  • Workshops for Single Fathers to Assist Them in Styling and Caring for Their Young Daughter’s Hair


10. Develop or update the salon website

Prospective clients often turn to a salon’s website as a crucial touchpoint before deciding to visit. In today’s beauty industry, a polished brand image and a strong first impression are paramount.

An outdated website can deter trust from potential clients. It’s essential to regularly update your salon’s website, providing information on upcoming events and discounts. Consider incorporating the convenience of online booking. Furthermore, offering advanced payment options, membership cards, and gift card sales can enhance the user experience.

To improve customer engagement, consider adding features that automatically send appointment reminders to your clients via email or phone.

Whether you choose to design your website using online website builders or enlist the services of a marketing firm, prioritize creating an inviting and search engine-friendly salon website that leaves a positive impression on visitors.

11. Make Video Content

Creating video content related to your salon stands out as one of the most potent salon marketing strategies. In fact, approximately 96% of marketers recognize videos as an indispensable element of their marketing initiatives. Statista’s projections also indicate that digital video advertising spending in the US will surge by $134.5 billion by 2026.

Salon businesses can harness this video content trend and share engaging and informative videos on popular social media platforms such as YouTube, TikTok, or Instagram. By employing video editing tools, you can enhance these videos to create visually captivating content for promoting your salon.

Regular instructional videos can assist your clients in hair styling and care routines. You can also introduce your new products through video promotions.

12. Send Promotional Emails

Sending promotions to your salon clients can be efficiently managed using a mass email program equipped with templates for streamlined communication.

Use this platform to inform your top clients about new hair products, upcoming salon promotions, and exclusive deals tailored just for them. However, it’s essential to strike a balance and not inundate their inboxes with emails too frequently, as this could erode their trust. Consistent, thoughtful communication will help you maintain strong client relationships and keep them engaged with your salon’s offerings.

13. Use Text Message Marketing

Effective communication with your clients is essential, and one of the most impactful methods is text message marketing. According to Business2Community, SMS text messages boast an impressive 98% open rate, unrivaled by any other marketing tool. This makes SMS Marketing an exceptionally effective way to ensure your message reaches your customers. In contrast, email marketing typically reports a significantly lower 22% open rate, reducing the chances of success.

With Text Message Marketing, you can easily set up campaigns for each season, holiday, special event, or promotion. It’s a versatile tool that can also help fill cancellations, provide product recommendations to boost retail sales, or simply express gratitude to your valued clients, as a little appreciation goes a long way in maintaining strong client relationships.


Implement these impactful salon marketing strategies, and witness your dedicated efforts translate into robust client relationships, satisfied and loyal customers, and a noticeable boost in your salon’s revenue! Your commitment to providing exceptional services and engaging marketing will undoubtedly yield fruitful results.

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