How to Start a Deep House Cleaning Business in 2024

Launching a cleaning business, offers a fantastic chance to become a business owner and be in control of your schedule, all without requiring a significant upfront investment.

But how to start a deep house cleaning business from scratch? Before you even touch a broom or mop, you’ll need to spend time planning your cleaning business strategy, promoting your new company, and expanding your client base.

The founders of Handmaid Cleaning, Grace, and Kevin Reynolds, embarked on their cleaning business journey with little more than a mop and a van. Today, they successfully manage a nationally recognized brand.

If they could achieve this, so can you. However, a crucial step is to ensure that you organize everything meticulously before diving into the venture. This article aims to provide guidance on all the essential steps you need to take to not only establish but also thrive in your own cleaning business, ultimately making a substantial income.

How to Start a  Deep House Cleaning Business in 7 Simple Steps

Cleaning businesses span a spectrum from individual home cleaners to specialized industrial cleaning services. It’s important when figuring out how to start a deep house cleaning business to determine the focus of your service early on because the upfront investment you make depends on the size of your team, the cost of equipment, and competitive rates in your local market.

Once you’ve identified your target market, you can delve into the specifics of your business plan and make necessary arrangements for transportation and supplies. It’s essential to promote your service as soon as you’re sufficiently prepared to take on clients. Depending on your personal network, you might start by reaching out to friends or acquaintances and gradually expand your reach to a broader market through online presence and effective marketing strategies.

While the process may be challenging and time-consuming, these seven steps for commencing a cleaning business can provide a solid foundation to kickstart your entrepreneurial journey.

Build A Budget

Prospective owners of cleaning businesses often wonder: Can I launch a cleaning company with no initial funds? Will securing a business loan be necessary? How can I effectively minimize costs? What business structure is optimal for this industry? Is the startup cost prohibitive? The answer is that while some investment is required, it may be more affordable than anticipated.

To ensure the success of your business, you’ll need to allocate funds for essential supplies and cover ongoing vehicle maintenance and fuel expenses. Establishing a sensible budget is key, encompassing potential replacements for products and equipment. If you outsource labour, factor in hiring and payroll costs. Additionally, as a business owner, allocate funds for taxes and insurance.

Strive to pay yourself a reasonable hourly wage, earmark funds for cleaning equipment, and calculate estimated taxes to effectively prepare for successful business ownership. Neglecting to set aside money for taxes can quickly deplete your business budget.


Choose A Business Name & Logo

Establishing a brand is a crucial step for any startup cleaning business, and selecting a brand name can be one of the most enjoyable aspects of ownership. There are various creative approaches, such as incorporating wordplay, using part or all of your name, adopting a quirky nickname, or drawing inspiration from your geographical location or the specific cleaning services you offer.

When choosing a business name, aim for the following:

  • Accurate representation of the company
  • Easy to spell and remember
  • Not already in use
  • Pleasant sounding and readable
  • Potential for growth with the business

Given that your cleaning company is intended for the long term, the logo design should possess a timeless quality. Hiring a graphic designer is a recommended approach to ensure a professional and visually appealing company logo.

Register Your Cleaning Business

Prior to launching your cleaning company, the essential step is to register it. Acquiring a business license is necessary not only for opening a company bank account and applying for loans but also for managing payroll. Another critical decision involves choosing a suitable company structure.

Selecting the right structure is crucial, taking into account considerations of liability and taxes. The options typically include a sole proprietorship or a limited liability corporation (LLC) at the outset. Opting for an LLC offers the advantage of personal liability protection, ensuring that you are not personally held responsible in case of an employee injury at a job site.

Regardless of the chosen structure, it’s imperative to maintain a clear separation between business and personal expenses. This practice is vital for financial organization and compliance with business regulations.

Sort Out The Logistics

Successfully operating a cleaning business requires meticulous attention to every operational detail. When considering hiring assistance, prioritizing the employee experience is crucial. Key elements such as cleaning supplies, reliable transportation, and training for specialized equipment are fundamental for both you and your team.

Supplies: Businesses with numerous cleaning assignments benefit from purchasing supplies in bulk from retailers like Walmart or Costco.

Transportation: Accessibility to job sites is paramount. When employing a team, the decision to compensate them for using personal vehicles or investing in company cars is a critical consideration.

Equipment: Basic equipment such as vacuums, mops, and buckets is essential. For specialized services, the choice between purchasing or renting equipment should be made judiciously. Testing the market interest through rentals before committing to specialized machinery is a prudent step, with comprehensive training being crucial for proper utilization.

Technology: Efficient scheduling, employee training, and communication are vital aspects of running a cleaning business. Utilizing digital apps can streamline various functions, from training and scheduling to tracking work hours and receiving field reports, offering comprehensive solutions for managing the complexities of your cleaning business.

Choose Your Rates

Before publicizing your hourly rates, it’s crucial to conduct a thorough examination of your competitors’ pricing. There’s no one-size-fits-all solution for determining rates, so consider factors like location, types of services offered, target clientele, proximity to the job site, and whether it’s a one-time or recurring service.

Providing house cleaning estimates to potential clients can offer clarity on job costs upfront. To ensure your time isn’t wasted, a practical approach is to charge a flat fee for estimates and, if they decide to book your services, credit that fee back to their final bill.

Ensure you have a seamless billing system in place to facilitate prompt payment for your services. This ensures that you receive compensation for your work in a timely manner.

Find Your Client Base

When kickstarting a cleaning business, initial client acquisition can be achieved through Facebook group postings and leveraging satisfied clients to generate positive reviews on social media, websites, or platforms like Trustpilot. Business cards play a crucial role, encouraging clients to share them with their network.

Other strategies for expanding your client base include:

Referrals: Encourage clients to provide honest reviews on trusted platforms, establishing trust and attracting potential new clients.

Networking Groups: Joining these groups facilitates interaction with like-minded individuals, aiding in community marketing and expanding your business presence.

Print Media: Utilize traditional methods such as newspaper ads or door-to-door flyers to announce your business and attract local attention.

Experimenting with a combination of these strategies is recommended until you identify what works best for your business. Embrace creativity and be open to trying new approaches to continually grow and succeed.

Reinvest and Grow

The concept of “Reinvest and Grow” underscores the importance of using the profits generated by your company to fuel its successful expansion. Instead of simply pocketing the earnings, it’s crucial to allocate them strategically within the business. This allocation typically involves investing in areas such as acquiring additional equipment, hiring more staff, and intensifying advertising efforts.

The rationale behind this approach is straightforward: as your client base grows, so must your business. If clients are unable to secure appointments when they require your services, they may opt for a competitor who can meet their needs promptly.

By reinvesting profits back into the company, you enhance its capacity to handle increased demand, ensuring that your business can scale effectively to accommodate the growing needs of your clientele. In essence, this strategy not only facilitates sustained growth but also positions your business to remain competitive and responsive to the evolving demands of the market.


Starting your own cleaning business involves a multitude of steps, making it crucial to conduct thorough research, carefully evaluate the pros and cons, and crunch the numbers before taking the leap.

Opting for a cleaning business might be the right choice if you seek to initiate a straightforward venture with low startup costs, minimal barriers to entry, and the potential for high profits. However, it’s essential to approach this decision with diligence and a clear understanding of the responsibilities and challenges that come with running a cleaning business.

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